1. Those that say Back is Best don't really actually have children. Diana hates to sleep on her back and much prefers tummy or side. It may not be "safe" but there is little you can do when she can turn herself.
2. Do the people who support the Cry it Out method for very young babies have kids? It's definitely harder than one might think. We are not trying this method.
3. Everyone has a strong opinion about Huggies vs Pampers. I started with Pampers and started experiencing daily blow outs. I am using Huggies now, but will use both. I think Diana might have just needed the bigger size and I don't think Pampers are bad. It's been better since I gave up dairy. You never hear much about Luvs.
4. The books do not tell you how to maneuver a stroller with baby and a cat carrier into the vets office.
5. Breast feeding is hard.
6. Breast feeding was achievable after some time, persistence and patience.
7. Bottle feeding is even harder after achieving breast feeding. (Can I catch a break?)
8. 12 weeks flies by!
9. I can cope with less sleep than I ever expected.
10. Strangers are more willing to help a pregnant lady than a mother who is schlepping a stroller with baby, a diaper bag, a purse and opening a door.
11. Motherhood is an awesome responsibility.
12. Little girls have the cutest clothes.
13. Watching a baby learn and slowly begin to like initially disliked activities (riding in the car, baths etc) is really wonderful.
14. Babies really grow fast and when your baby is 10 weeks old and you see a 4 week old baby, your heart melts at how little they once were.
15. Although a baby in the womb who ate pizza religiously for months may actually hate it later, and that goes for all dairy.
16. Baby gas is a terrible thing.
17. They say to nap when the baby naps, but in reality isn't that time to do all of the chores, emails, phone calls etc that needs to be done?
18. Time, patience and persistence really are important factors in raising a child.
19. When a potential nanny says that she has 'raised' 25 children including her own during an interview... well you just shouldn't say that. I believe 'cared for' is the term she wanted to use.
20. Now I know why there are so many varieties of formula on the market. You really have to try different things. I think our winner (after two trials -thanks for the free samples in the mail!) is the Enfamil Gentlease. At least I think that is the winner, still too early to tell.
21. There are a lot of bottles on the market. After trying 3, I learned that Diana may like Dr. Brown's the best.
22. There are too many pacifiers on the market. I don't think Diana likes any of them and frankly that is fine. I am not buying any more to test.
23. The Graco swing (fits with the car seat) was not a good purchase. It's noisy and too low and Diana doesn't like it. I don't think she wants to sit in the car seat.
24. Driving with a baby in the car is a new experience. A terrifying experience actually. If you are going to rear-end me, you better have insurance and you better be ready for a guilt trip. For your sake, I hope the baby isn't in the car.
25. The CRV wasn't the best choice after all.
26. Sending women back to work after 12 weeks is just wrong. At three months babies are developing their adorable personalities and just starting to follow (sort of) a schedule. It's not fair to miss spending the day with them.
27. New Grandparents are a total different breed of people. Who are these people and what happened to our parents?
28. Babies don't wear dresses. It's impossible to keep them down and hard to change diapers.
29. Spit up doesn't really smell good.
30. People who co-sleep aren't weird parents. It's a really wonderful experience and hopefully can be done safely.
31. When your baby starts to sleep in the crib all by herself, that is also a wonderful experience.
32. When a baby comes into your life, other things really do get neglected (pets, chores, friends)
33. With any luck, the pets, chores, friends will forgive you. Especially the pets since they need love too.
34. It takes about 9-10 weeks before you feel really comfortable taking the baby out on your own.
35. Maternity leave isn't as much fun as expected since all of you friends still have to work and the baby doesn't really want to be out all day. Plus you can only spend so much money at the mall and online.
36. You won't really have time to visit the pool every day on maternity leave (who knew?). I've been there twice.
37. The worst sound in the world is your baby crying.
38. Holding the baby and walking around until she falls asleep can really be exhausting.
39. Babies can belch and expel guess louder than most of the men I know. Thankfully it is so cute when it happens. (this applies to the babies, not the men.)
40. Babies are hard to hold in the tub.
41. I know where all of the elevators are at the mall.
42. I also learned I desperately need a massage. Carrying the car seat around and folding up the stroller and lifting it are killing my back and neck.
43. Cluster feeding is exhausting and it's impossible to fully prepare for a growth spurt.
44. I learned that there was a lot I did know and I learn something new every day.
45. I learned that Motherhood is the coolest thing ever, and Fatherhood is a close second.
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