Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

I'm eager to begin 2007. As excited as I am to see Christmas come, I'm just as excited to see it go. I love the idea of resolving to do things better in the coming year and looking forward to warmer months again. However after all of these years, I still rate New Years Eve as my least favorite holiday. It should bring such excitement and happiness but it usually creates stress and anxiety for me. The expectations are ridiculously high to plan a night of partying bliss. So each year I teeter on my upcoming plans. Will it be a night at home, a house party, trekking to a bar? Even being married doesn't make this decision any easier it seems. It just doubles the expectation. This year, I made plans early to alleviate the stress from last minute planning. And so we headed a short distance out of town.

I was a bit worried that I wouldn't have the energy since I spent last Wednesday home with a fever, aches, and sore throat. I stayed home from work for two days and decided I was up to going back on Friday for at least a few hours to take care of a few important year-end tasks.

On Saturday Sean and I headed to a Bed and Breakfast in New Market, VA. The Cross Roads Inn is just 1.5 hours away so I thought it would be a perfect way to bring in the new year. We chose the Rose room for its amenities including a King-sized bed and a whirlpool tub.

We arrived at the B&B on Saturday around 4pm. Greeted by the hosts and cheese and wine. What I have neglected to write so far is that I woke up with a very red eye on Saturday morning. Still not feeling up to par, I decided against the alcohol and we proceeded to our room to relax. It was a very nice room. We went out for dinner and then came back to relax. We had no plans, no agenda, just a nice weekend to relax. On Sunday, we had a lovely breakfast and conversation with another couple of guests. My voice was rather hoarse so I did little talking and a lot of nodding. When I woke up on Sunday, I had to pry both eyes open. By this time I was certain I was the lucky winner of the New Years Weekend Pink Eye Celebration. After breakfast Sean enjoyed a whirpool bubble bath. We were excited about the tub until we saw it was really built for one. And you aren't supposed to swim with Pink Eye.

Also, for those who make the same mistake I do time after time. When you pour bubbles into the tub and it looks like it isn't bubbling, be patient. Stop pouring it in. Once the jets start, you'll have quite a bubble frenzy. When using jets, 1/2 a teaspoon of bubbles will do the trick just fine. Really. Five tablespoons or so creates a bubble fiasco.

After Sean's relaxing bubble bath I informed him that my mother suggested I get antibiotics immediately. Which for us meant a trip to the ER at Rockingham Memorial. I in no way think Pink Eye is an emergency but because it was Sunday, and Monday was a holiday, and my prescription card expired 12/31 and I haven't received the new one yet, it was important to get what I needed. No clinics were open, so off to the hospital which sported some really interesting people. In the interest of time and energy I'll leave out the redneck jokes.

After two hours at the ER, I signed my discharge papers, got the Pink Eye contagious scoop, picked up prescription eye drops and was sent on my way. I relaxed for several more hours and then Sean and I went to dinner at the Publik House for a 5-course meal. For the most part it was very tasty and the ambiance was wonderful. We spent the rest of the evening watching TV. By 11:58pm I was ready to call it a night but I held out for the last 2 minutes, and that was all she wrote for us. The inn was extremely noisy that night due to the rain, the highway and crappy old cars that needed their fan belts replaced. Sleep did not come easy. My misery doubled.

After breakfast on Monday, Sean and I headed home where I continued to rest and take care of my eyes.
It was a nice weekend considering.

*As of Wednesday 1/3/07, I've been sick for a week. Today, I went back to the doctor for antibiotics and a huge horse pill for my bronchitis. I also had a melt down when I discovered that no one wants to take my insurance because UHC is so difficult to work with. Stay tuned for my health care in America segment!


Anonymous said...

Geez, I hope you feel better soon. I hate dealing with UHC too. I became engrossed in insurance coverage once I became pregnant.

Anonymous said...

I know we've talked a lot via e-mail... but I still wanted to send you a long distance hug!! Glad you're feeling better now, and I look forward to hearing more about the American Health Care system. Perhaps I can write a comparative blog on the Bulgarian Health Care system?


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, i’m getting excited…I love the New Year, and New Year’s Flags are the best way to display that for me! New Year’s is a time for something new, with New Year’s flags you can express your excitement and happiness for the New times to come. New Year’s Flags can give you that refreshing sense of “Out with the Old, In with the New”. Welcoming the New Year is a time -honored tradition up help by many, and New Year’s Flags are the freshest way to keep the tradition going. New Year’s flags are the next big must have item of the year. You can use them as a simple decoration to bring on the New Year. The up keep of them are virtually nothing, and if your tired of decorating because of the holidays, New Year’s flags are a welcomed break, that is much needed from flashing bulbs, garland, tinsel, ornaments, etc. New Year’s Flags are the perfect low-key way to decorate your home. With such a wide variety of New Year’s Flags, they are perfect for anyone’s personality.
